11 months ago
School List Suggestions

What schools should I look into?

I have a 4.0 unweighted GPA and a 4.1 weighted GPA as a Junior. I am a varsity member of my school's sailing team, I have a black belt in MMA (in a program where only 2% of people ever get that), I have participated in multiple summer camps that require applications, I was a CIT for 2 different camps, I have consistently achieved highest honors each quarter since Freshman year, I am a member of my school's NHS chapter, I am the 2nd violin section leader in my school's string orchestra, I have been accepted into multiple audition-required orchestras at the district level, I was the campaign manager for a successful local political campaign, and I take 2 APs and all other classes at the honors level this year (I plan to take 6 APs next year as well, the amount of APs I am taking is the maximum that I can take at my school). I have not taken the SAT or ACT yet, but I plan on taking the SAT only. I will not be taking the PSAT/NMSQT. I would like to go into a pharma/biotech field. I am also LGBTQ+ and physically disabled, so accepting colleges with resources for disabilities would be preferred. I am also interested in schools mainly in California. I also would like to be in the city. Thanks!

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11 months ago

how are you physically disabled and on your school sailing team and a black belt? just wondering

🎤11 months ago[edited]

a very fair question! I am in the process of getting pulled from all my sports but as of now I still do them. I somewhat recently developed chronic pain that makes it much harder to do sports, but administrative processes take a while and so I'm still enrolled in them. as for my black belt, I got it before I left my MMA place.

5 months ago[edited]

Feel better soon


11 months ago

UCLA, UC Irvine, UCSB, Cal Poly


11 months ago

Plnu has a good program for biotech


11 months ago

I would recommend SDSU, it has a good pharmacy program. It's in an amazing area definitely in the middle of everything.


11 months ago

I just want to say, you sound like an absolutely amazing talented and well-rounded person! If you're looking at schools mainly in California I would consider UCLA, UC-Irvine, UC-Berkeley, and Stanford- all have great pharmaceutical programs :)


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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