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a year ago
School List Suggestions

College suggestions - envr emphasis w/ $

Hi, everyone! :)

I want to use my time in college learning skills of all kinds to apply to environmental conservation and eradication of poverty (sustainable development but x10000).

Therefore, I am looking into environmental science/studies/engineering/planning majors, depending on the school.

I have found amazing reach schools, but I want to add more safety-target schools that offer merit-based full-ride scholarships. Any suggestions?

(Stats for merit consideration: 1480 SAT [730 math, which is on the low side for many merit scholarships], president of multiple clubs, Taekwondo black belt, multiple years of research + ISEF, 21 DE & 3 AP classes)

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a year ago

It's great that you're considering both reach and safety-target schools for your college search. Here are some colleges that offer strong environmental science/studies/engineering/planning programs and are known for providing merit-based full-ride scholarships:

University of Alabama: The University of Alabama offers the Randall Research Scholars Program, which provides full-tuition scholarships, among other benefits. They have an excellent environmental science program.

University of Arizona: The University of Arizona offers the National Scholars Program, which includes a full-tuition scholarship. They have a strong focus on environmental studies and research.

University of Florida: UF offers the Lombardi Scholars Program, which provides a full-ride scholarship. They have a reputable environmental science program.

University of Tennessee, Knoxville: The University of Tennessee offers the Chancellor's Honors Program, which includes full-tuition scholarships. They have a robust environmental science program.

University of South Carolina: USC offers the South Carolina Honors College with generous scholarship opportunities. They have a well-regarded environmental science program.

Clemson University: Clemson provides the National Scholars Program, which offers full-tuition scholarships. They have a strong College of Engineering, Computing, and Applied Sciences.

University of Kentucky: UK offers the Otis A. Singletary Scholarship, which covers full tuition. They have an environmental and sustainability studies program.

Louisiana State University: LSU offers the Stamps Scholars Program, which includes full-tuition scholarships. They have a College of the Coast & Environment with environmental science programs.

Mississippi State University: Mississippi State offers the Presidential Scholars Program, which covers full tuition and includes a research stipend. They have an environmental science program.

Texas Tech University: Texas Tech offers the Presidential Merit Scholarship, which covers full tuition and includes a stipend for housing. They have a College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources.

Remember to research each school's specific scholarship eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and requirements for maintaining the scholarships. Additionally, reach out to the financial aid offices at these institutions to inquire about any other scholarships or opportunities for which you may be eligible.

Your impressive extracurricular involvement and research experience should strengthen your scholarship applications. Good luck with your college search and pursuit of your passion for environmental conservation and sustainable development!


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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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