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a year ago
School List Suggestions

help me pls

hi, i am a junior in a NYS high school and i am looking to be a german, history, or english teacher (so adolescent education, german major, etc)(preferably german bc i love it).

my PSAT was a 1240; i have a 94.3/3.8 weighted GPA. i have made honor roll every marking period since seventh grade. my academic class list this year is listed below:

-preAP german. this is a college course thru SUNY Oswego; $175 for 3 credit hrs

-algebra 2 regents

-USH honors

-english honors

-college-level psychology (half year course, like $350 for the course)

-general accounting

-business law

i have done very well in all these classes so far.

i tutor in german on Tuesdays after school; i do German Club on Wednesdays, i have done it since freshman year, and i am an officer of the club; i see my grandmother on Thursdays and keep her company for a little while; i help my grandfather with his grocery shopping and other errands on Fridays; i am a coxswain on my school+city rowing teams (city in autumn, school in winter+spring). i worked on saturdays and sundays from Feb2023-sept2023 and took a break b/c of sports (then quit for various unspecified reasons), so i aim to pick up another part-time job beginning Jan2024.

schools i am considering as of right now are:

SUNY Oswego

SUNY Binghamton#

SUNY Buffalo

SUNY Geneseo

Boston University##

Temple University

Syracuse University

Hofstra University

University of Michigan##


Canisius University

CollegeVine says most of these are safety schools. the ones with ## are reach, the ones with # are target. i am very nervous, however, because i feel i have not performed as well as i could have, and i do not do many school clubs. i wanted to do mock trial this year, but it interferes with my spring rowing, tutoring, and family schedule and i'm really sad about that.

i am going to need lots of financial aid. i lost my father in november of 2022 so he cant help me pay for anything. by no means am i impoverished, but i am definitely not as well off as my classmates. i would accept aid from my other family members, but i'm going to get Rory Gilmore'd (watch the first couple episodes of Gilmore Girls to understand) if i do, and i don't want to do that unless i have to.

anyway, enough of my babbling. what are some scholarships you all can recommend? i will do anything that is available to me. what schools do you think would be a good match for me? you dont have to say anything on my list, just any ideas you may have.

thank you all <3

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a year ago

You can use:

ScholarshipPoints (do simple tasks to earn points; points can lead to scholarships and money)

RaiseMe (create a portfolio; earn scholarship money for everything included; add schools and calculate how much money you can use for that school)

NSHSS scholarships (if you are NSHSS member)

Encourage (Not my favorite, but has scholarships)

Appily (Matches you up with scholarships)

These are all what I use. You should also look into merit scholarships, as I think you would earn some by looking at your class list and extracurriculars. I hope this helps!

🎤a year ago

this is amazing thank you!


a year ago

There are some websites that can help you look for scholarships. You can also check if any of the schools you're applying to offer direct scholarships. (can help you find schools and scholarships) (helps you find scholarships)

🎤a year ago

thank you so much 😊


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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