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a year ago
School List Suggestions


Should I apply to different majors in different colleges? Does selecting a major affect college chances?

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a year ago

1. Academic Interests: If you have a clear and specific academic interest, it may be beneficial to apply directly to the program or major that aligns with your passion. This demonstrates focus and commitment to your chosen field of study.

2. Competitiveness: Some majors or programs within a college or university may be more competitive than others. If you are interested in a highly competitive program, it might be worthwhile to explore alternative majors or colleges within the institution as a backup option.

3. Flexibility: Applying to different majors in different colleges allows you to keep your options open and increases your chances of admission to at least one program. This can be especially useful if you have multiple academic interests or are unsure about your future career path.

4. Admission Criteria: Some colleges or universities have specific admission criteria or requirements for certain majors. Research the admissions process for each major and college you are considering to understand any specific prerequisites or portfolio submissions that may be necessary.


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Duke University


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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