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a year ago
School List Suggestions

Indiana College Recommendation

Hey, I'm from Indiana, and I'm looking for a college recommendation, I'm currently looking at purdue university, but my chances are currently 58% according to the app. I just scored a 1300 on my PSAT as a sophomore, but my GPA is really holding me back, as I have about a 2.1. It's gonna go up this after semester, I'm guessing around a 2.5? I would love to attend purdue, but I was wondering if there were any other colleges I should look at. Also any GPA increasing tips would be nice.

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a year ago

Taking Dual Enrollment courses can raise your GPA and prove you can handle college level courses. Also, there is no shame in taking a semester or 2 of community college and then transferring to Purdue. Transfer students have MUCH less requirements than first-year students and your diploma will look no different than the other students. For some people, this is a very wise move as it allows them to adjust slowly to college level classes and save money.

Hope this helps!


a year ago

My school lets students retake classes over the summer, and I know that one time a student retook a class they got a B in because they were trying to be valedictorian. If you could retake any of the classes that are pulling your GPA down, that might help you a ton. A 58% chance of acceptance is not bad at all, but considering that Purdue usually has 69%, I get why you're concerned. I would recommend looking at some safer college options. If you want to go to college in-state, I think Indiana University Bloomington could be a good option. They're not as selective as Purdue, they're not expensive at all, and I've seen them ranked decently high on lists of best colleges.


a year ago

I know of this thing called the Midwest Student Exchange Program, where Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, and Wisconsin promise not to charge more than 150% of their in-state tuition to out-state students. For example here in Illinois, the Univ. of Illinois at Champaign Urbana charges around 12k a year to in state students. That means they wouldn’t charge more that 18k a year to out of state students (Public Illinois aren’t yet in this agreement, this was just an example). Certainly public Indiana schools are going to be a better choice though. Hopefully this is some help, depending on what you want to major in is an important thing to consider. I know Purdue is a good Engineering school, but Indiana Univ. is a good Business school.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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