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a year ago
School List Suggestions

Any ideas for a school list?

I'm a freshman (class of 2027) and I'm putting together a preliminary school list to base my classes and extra-curriculars on. I am brand new to this and could use some help getting started (all ideas are welcome)

A bit about me

- first generation

-on track to complete 9 honors, 7 AP, and 2 DE classes

- 4.00 unweighted GPA

-4.25 weighted GPA

- intended major-Legal Studies

- Elective Focus: Pre-law

-Teen Court & Mock Trial member

- on the Bowling team

-doing color guard next year

-Needs scholarships/financial aid

🎉 First post
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a year ago

Hi Bailey! I’m a sophomore in high school, and though I’m sure I don’t know much more than you, these are some things that helped me start my college list.

1. Think about what aspects of a school are most important to you. Is living close to home a necessity, or are you more flexible with that? Is it important that your school is top-rated in your intended major? Is the student life important? For example, is racial and gender diversity important,is it important whether your school is in an urban or more rural area, etc. Do you want to be involved in athletics? All of these things should be considered before you start researching colleges. I would suggest writing down your top 5-10 priorities from most to least important so you are certain what you want from your college.

2. Make a list of colleges in the general area you would consider. Even if area isn’t your most important criterion, this can help make your search much less overwhelming. I would recommend making an account on BigFuture, because they have a lot of tools to help you throughout your entire college journey. I would also get your parent/guardian(s) opinion.

3. Start to narrow this list down based on your previously defined criteria and your academics. Based on the information you’ve provided, you seem to be on the path to becoming a very well-rounded student. If you continue on the path you’re on, you shouldn’t have to worry too much about academics, but make sure that you continue pushing yourself throughout high school.

4. Make sure the colleges you pick have a tuition that is within the range that you are able to pay. You can help this by seeing if the schools offer financial aid and applying for online scholarships on sites like, EducationQuest, and There are many scholarships that you can begin applying to now, that require no essays or previous achievments. You could begin looking for scholarships by searching for scholarships for first generation college students.

I hope this helps you start your college search. Best of luck!

🎤a year ago

thank you so much, this really helped, I feel a little less overwhelmed by it now (and thank you for providing resources)

a year ago

Of course! It’s great that you’re starting early and I hope you find the best fit for you!


a year ago

This is an excellent resume! I would suggest UNC, Duke, and Georgetown. These schools are quite competitive but I think if you work hard and stay involved in the community, nothing should keep you from getting in!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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