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a year ago
School List Suggestions

is it possible?

hi, I'm a high school sophomore. my dream college is UCLA. i'd like to believe i'll reach my goal to get into my dream college but i'm starting to realize that i might be too late. my current GPA is a 3.5, i get pretty good grades in school, or at least i pull through at the end of each term. i'm starting to realize I've become a B student. I love hanging out with friends and sometimes prioritize that over my school work. i don't know how to plan out my years in high school and what classes i'm gonna take. I'm terrible at studying and the plan for my career changes everyday. i'm not an organized person and i couldn't tell you my GPA or the classes I've taken off the top of my head. i'm smart, and maybe that sounds very confident, but I know i am. i used to be top of my class, i skipped kindergarten in the first two weeks, i can do it, I just have no motivation. everything seems so temporary. any advice to get into my dream college or pick up my grades? is it too late?

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a year ago

I am fairly confident that you can pick it back up. You'll just have to make a few sacrifices.

Firstly, it really is not difficult to make a plan for the next two years. Just look through your school website and find courses that you like, and put it in an excel spreadsheet. Make sure to mark down how many honors, ap, and college courses you take. I'm not even finished my plan, b/c i have extra space in my schedule senior year, so I'll find something. It's fine to not be organized; I am not at all an organized person. All you have to do is use technology to your advantage, and download apps on your phone that force you to focus. You do not need to know your GPA of the top of your head; colleges admission people will not walk up to you, ask you what your gpa is, and expect you to know it without checking.

It is fine to hang out with friends, just realize that you don't have to choose between your grades and your friends. Limit hanging out with them to maybe just one or two days, and leave so you have time to do homework and stuff. Spend more time studying. People won't unfriend you because you don't hang out as much and spend more time with academics. If you do all of this, you will not even need to check your grades; they'll all be straight a's.

Getting better at studying is not terribly hard. Again, you can use technology to your advantage and look at study methods online. You can track homework using various websites. I use I also use the pomodoro study method, which is where I study for 20 minutes, then take a 5 minute break, then resume studying.

The only problem in this is that UCLA is the type of college that I don't prefer, just because it is test optional. Your current gpa is not high enough for UCLA, and you can't balance it out with a great SAT and ACT score, because UCLA won't really care about that. But get good grades and you'll do fine. Reply if you have a question.

Good luck!


Didn't you post the exact same thing in different words today? I'm not criticizing, I'm just wondering why you posted the same thing twice.


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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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