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a year ago
School List Suggestions

good schools for research psychology/aerospace engineering?

hi all,

im currently in my sophomore year, and i'm starting to look into colleges to go into. so far i'm hoping to go into psychology (specifically research) or aerospace technology & engineering. what schools do you guys think i can aim for?

about me:

- soph year psat score of 1280 (97th %) (reading 720 (99th %), math 560 (88th %)

(i didnt study for this one, so obv in junior year when it counts i will)

- currently taking 1 honors and 1 ap (none offered freshman year)

- next year, planning to take 5 aps

- i'm planning my college essay to be about my autism diagnosis and how it conflicts with being gifted and how i learned more about me through it, and how i utilised the resources i had to turn things around academically, emotionally, and socially

extracurriculars ive done:

- journalism for a nonprofit student-led stem company

- journalism 2 electric boogaloo (but this time for the school newspaper)

- camp counseling for special needs kids

- attended springboard program at uc berkeley, invited to NYLF Medicine (had to decline due to time constraints :( ), currently applying to pre-college program at stanford

- lot of peer tutoring

- dance and gymnastics (non competitive) since ages 9 and 5, respectively

- coding, art + writing (an unhealthy amount of writing), and music/vocals on the side


apologies if that looks like a lot, i just like putting things into bullet points to make it easier to process. ANYWAYS:

what i want in a college:

- preferably on the west coast of the US

- i like the UC system, specifically davis or berkeley, but i don't know if i can get in so... yolo i guess

- non religious

- a little bit selective?

- lgbt supportive

thank you all so much for your help in advance!

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a year ago

Just one thing to say about your PSAT, your reading score is pretty good, but if you want to get the National Merit Scholarship in your Junior year, you should focus on math too.

BUT, when they calculate your National Merit Score, reading is worth much much more, so also keep focusing on that.


a year ago

University of Texas at Austin has a fantastic Aerospace Engineering program. Austin is also one of the more liberal areas of Texas, I would place it slightly lower tiered than UC Berkley overall but from what I've read/heard it has one of the best Aerospace programs with NASA and Space X right there as well for easy access into relevant internships. It might be a good Safety School for you to look into.


a year ago

For your school list, most of the UCs, mainly UCLA and UC Berkeley is really good, the ivy leagues are one the of best, you should also look at Stanford, MIT, and Caltech as your top goal, they have one of best programs for tech which includes engineering, in fact, colleges or universities that are good with tech is also good at engineering, but those are at the East side of the US (except Caltech) so it is opposite of where you want to go.


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Duke University




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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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