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7 months ago
School List Suggestions

undergrad suggestions?

I was wondering what some good programs/unis are for going into international relations (international business/poli sci is good too). I'm thinking of either going into international business law or eventually working for the United Nations.

Here are some of my stats: 4.18 GPA, 1310 SAT (am going to retake), 13 APs, 17 Honors, 1 Dual-Credit.

I'm not picky about weather, but I'm from Texas. Although I would prefer a public university, I would enjoy smaller class sizes so I understand that's more of a private university thing and it's fine. I want a good school-life balance, but I wan the academics to challenge me. I would also prefer going to the New England area.

Here are some of my ec's as of my junior year: varsity colorguard (three years, have been social media leadership for two years), dance club (member and leader for all three years), community service club (founded this year, leadership), school ambassador (one year), National Honors Society (one year), Youth and Government (one year, 15th at state), summer camp assistant (two years), part-time job at ice cream shop (one year), School of the New York Times (investigative journalism program), school announcer (one year)

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7 months ago

Tufts University - The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy: Located in Massachusetts, Tufts offers renowned programs in international relations and has a strong focus on preparing students for careers in international affairs. The Fletcher School is one of the top graduate schools for international relations, and Tufts also offers undergraduate programs in this field.

Georgetown University - Walsh School of Foreign Service: Georgetown's School of Foreign Service is highly regarded for its programs in international relations, diplomacy, and global affairs. Located in Washington D.C., students have access to numerous opportunities for internships and networking with international organizations.

Boston University - Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies: Boston University's Pardee School offers undergraduate and graduate programs in international relations, with a focus on interdisciplinary studies and hands-on learning experiences. Located in Boston, students benefit from being in a major hub for international organizations and businesses.

Brown University - Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs: Brown's Watson Institute offers programs in international relations and public affairs, with a focus on research and policy analysis. Brown's open curriculum allows students to tailor their academic experience to their interests in international relations.

Harvard University - John F. Kennedy School of Government: Harvard's Kennedy School offers graduate programs in public policy and international affairs, as well as undergraduate programs in government. Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, students have access to world-class faculty and resources for studying international relations.

Yale University - Jackson Institute for Global Affairs: Yale's Jackson Institute offers undergraduate and graduate programs in global affairs, with a focus on preparing students for careers in diplomacy, international development, and global business. Located in New Haven, Connecticut, students benefit from Yale's extensive network and resources....hope this helps :)


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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