2 months ago
School List Suggestions


(Reposing bc I didn't get enough answers the first time lol)

Hi, I am an South Asian student in California coming from a semi-high income neighborhood, I moved around a lot before 7th grade and then COVID hit where I fell behind on Science & ELA due to bad teachers. I am going into senior year with a 3.83/4 UW/4.44W. It may go up due to 2 college courses which will be articulated.

SAT 1530(750ELRW/780Math) taken once. I will take the SAT a few more times if I can and try the ACT.

Academics: 14 community college courses(All As but only some articulated to HS), Bs in both semesters of Honors Bio, HChem, and HPhysics, HEng9, and B 1st semester of AP Lang. 9 total APs, with 5 in APHUG in 10th. 11th I was super sick during exams and got 3 AB (Prereq for BC at our school), 3 Lang, 3 CSA, and 4 Stats.

For some ECs, I have 600+ Volunteer Hours, with PVSA Gold and 2 years at a COVID vaccine drive. CommonApp about the drive.

I work for a nonprofit providing middle schoolers with the opportunity to learn and compete at math comps. 3rd place at Stanford Math Tournament as a sophomore, no other math comp bc of access issues.

Led my community's first 3 5K runs, free for the first 2 and raised 2000+ dollars on the third, 500+ participants total. The club (SMAP Youth Club) also raised 300 lbs of food per year for 3 years.

Self study on 4 languages not including English.

Water Polo (JV,JV,JV,Var). and Swim 4 years (JV,JV,Var,Var) and got top 3 finishes at every final tournament for swim. Did lifeguarding partitme and taught kids how to swim for about 8 months, was lead lifeguard for my city's public swim program for a total time of about 30 hours (It was only a week long)

Went to CA State and National Spech and Debate Tournament, won straight 1st and 2nd at League level in my events.

Looking to publish math research.

Hook: 1st gen US immigrant

Dream School: HYPSM - (Yale & Princeton) + Columbia

Poll: What schools should I apply to realistically? Keep in mind I am in-state for UCs.

a) How cooked am I?

b) If I do good on ACT Science (34-36) can that make up for my bad science?

c) Do I work on GPA (Not much I can do), SAT (Will probably go up 20-30 pts.), or ECs (And what if so)?

Thank you!!!

T20 (UCLA/Berkeley)
You're cooked
Poll closed16 votes
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2 months ago

I think you are good! Your stats and extra circulars are pretty impressive. A high score on the act could definitely benefit you. I would mostly worry about application essays if you want to go T10. In my experience, bad essays will break your application regardless of stats. You got this!

🎤2 months ago

Thank you so much! I hope my essays and LORs are good but time will tell.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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