2 months ago
School List Suggestions

Can someone please give me some school ideas (preferably in the Midwest)?


I'm class of 2025 and female living in MI. I prefer the Midwest but am open to maybe the East of the US. I'm looking to major in psychology and prefer an accelerated program of some kind. (I'll ignore some details just to keep my privacy if that is okay)

I'm hoping for a non-religious school that's not super small but not big, and looking for a BA preferably

I think I'd like an urban city? Doesn't matter too much though

My stats:

GPA: unweighted maybe a 3.5, weighted 3.7

SAT: 1490, shooting for a 1500 one last time


- assistant teaching for three years at an organization teaching my native language

- before that, assistant teaching for two years at a religious teaching organization

- I was a volunteer coach for a MP team (1 year)

- I do classical singing (10+ years) and classical dance (10+, performed at a very prestigious event)

- I've been running passively for a year, training for a half-marathon and have done 2 5ks

- newly vice president and in charge of social media for a club at school, but not in much other clubs

- play an instrument and used it as accompaniment at minor concerts (2 years)


- Seal of Biliteracy

- CPR Certfied

- "Leading by Example" award (dance)

- PVSA twice (101 hours-Gold and 143 hours- Bronze)

I think that's mostly it, thank you so much! I posted this a while ago and got a comment suggesting more specifics so here we are again :)

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a month ago

I know different people have different definitions of the Midwest, but I know the top school in South Dakota is Augustana. It's a private school (I think Christian) but I wouldn't consider it religious. It's in the center of Sioux Falls, so it's a good-sized city, but it's a pretty safe area. Lots of state parks within 30 minutes, and over 100 miles of really nice bike trails. Their biggest downfall is the dorms that are super tiny, but there are lots of apartments in the area. Sioux Falls has lots of opportunities because of the size of the city, but it still doesn't feel like a big city.

🎤a month ago

Thank you so much!


2 months ago

Hey Sunflowers -

I know you said that you prefer a nonreligious school, but have you considered Loyola Chicago? Even though it is technically Catholic, it is not very religious. The student body is very diverse - lots of nonreligious students as well as Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Sikh. Loyola is urban - technically in Chicago but the college of A&S (psych) is on Lake Michigan with a beautiful campus. Loyola Chicago has a great psych program and a 4+1 accelerated masters degree.

🎤a month ago

Thank you so much!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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