2 months ago
School List Suggestions

Looking for suggestions on school lists, with gratitude

I am a Grade 12 student about to apply for colleges, but I found myself unassured about my school list and college life. With utmost gratitude, I will appreciate your suggestions! I am looking for suggestions on schools that I can reach, and enjoy my college time there. (Open to suggestions on background improvements as well)

Hereby sharing my background, Please give me some suggestions on college choices;

(Male, straight, protestant, and Asian international student)

Interested Major: History, Economics;

GPA: 3.96 out of 4.33 (91% or 3.65), rank (approximately) 35 out of 151;

TOEFL: 110;

SAT:1440 (720+720; taken 3 times, planning for a fourth time in this August);

AP: WH/Macro/Micro 5, CPG 4, CalBC/USH 3;

Competitions: NEC National individual top-scoring Gold Award, Regional Team Overall Gold, Qualifying test individual distinction (top 30% in the national final); BPA National overall team Bronze; Mock Trial Nation Silver; Debate Regional 7th place;

EC: NGO(working in an international charity association as an assistant for four years, then taking leadership for three years around mentally challenged kids); Business Club tutor (in school); Mock Trial Club founder; student-athlete (district Broze); continuous field study (around history since Grade 1); Student Government.

Description: Honest, upright, and responsible. Enjoy social but also want a peaceful place for study (not a party guy but like chatting, playing sports and making friends). I plan to be a human rights lawyer, public defender, or socialist.

Again, I couldn't be more willing to receive your suggestions, and I hope we have an enjoyable, fruitful, and successful admission season.

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a month ago

University of Washington, Oregon state, University of Oregon, Gonzaga, Georgetown, William and Mary, UC Berkeley


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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