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5 months ago
School List Suggestions

which activities?

Hi, i live in Norway (I just moved here from England). i am going into Year 9 in both England and Norway because im born in November. My cousins been freaking me out and saying i need to start planning for college early so here i am. My activities are that i have done Grade 8 abrsm piano, play guitar for fun and that i am 4th in my region for my sport. in norway i am starting volleyball because in a school lesson i was kinda good so im hoping i can get far on that. I was on the english equivilant to varsity for 3 sports. i have voluntered before at a local library and am going to keep doing that, and probably get a part time job at an animal shelter or a local shop as well. I also already babysit for my dads friends and have made quite a lot of money. My grades are very good cuz i got into and went to one of the best schools in england so im doing really well in school (one of the top in my class). im gonna try join my schools newspaper team and when im old enough work at my summer camp but are there any more classes i need to take at a university or something to increase my chances? Im hoping to get recruited because i am quite good my sports ( i was having an off day at my regional competition). Im probs gonna join an ib school for year 10 anyways so ill graduate a year early anyways but help would be much appreciated.

sorry its so long im so so clueless

p.s. any tips just in general would be great like sat? act? whats a good score? tysm

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5 months ago

Between SAT and ACT, it's best to look at the schools you're interested in to see which one is more accepted. I only took the ACT because it's what's used by colleges in my area. The max score is 36, and 25 will be okay for most colleges. 32 could get you good scholarships, and 34 is a really good score. My biggest tip for the reading portion of the ACT is to read the questions first, do the ones that pertain to a described section of the reading first, and then read the remaining essay and do the questions about the essay as a whole. Same with the science section—read the questions first and only look for the necessary information.

People usually take the ACT their junior year of highschool. You can take the Pre-ACT earlier to get an idea of your score. The ACT website also has practice tests and practice questions.

Don't stress it too much if you're only on eighth grade, though. You don't want to get burned out before you even start college.

🎤5 months ago

Thanks so much for clarifying, google didnt really help much so thanks loads this was really helpful


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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