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5 months ago
School List Suggestions

Are there any easy AP classes?

Hey, guys so I am a junior who is in the process of getting her GPA up. I have better chances of getting my GPA up faster with AP classes. I do not do very well in math. Are there AP class subjects that can help me progress? My GPA is 2.577 I started virtual school as a 9th grader and it set me up horribly. I'm ready to take on anything a little difficult other than math. My dream college is either NCAT or Hampton University (HBCU).

Need Help!?!

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5 months ago

In general, AP Environmental Science is regarded as a good start. There will be some math involved, but not much. In my case, we just read a lot from a textbook.

🎤5 months ago

Oh okay, I will look into this. Thank You!!


4 months ago

AP human geography is pretty easy as long as you stay on top of the work. AP psychology is a bit more challenging but is easy to comprehend. I’ve also heard from friends that AP envionmental science and AP computer science principles is pretty easy. Good luck!!!


4 months ago

AP Human Geography could be a great option to look into! It isn't super hard and there's a focus on things that happen around us in the world, so it's easier to comprehend and connect with. It was actually my favorite subject in freshman year; I found it super interesting!


5 months ago

AP Psychology is known as a very easy AP! There may be some math but it's something you can do without a calculator and it's maybe a tiny part of one unit.

🎤5 months ago

Okay That sounds GREATTT THANK YOU


5 months ago

I took AP World History as a sophomore! I got a 3 on the exam and I know I could've done better if I did a little more prep! I passed with a B all year. apart from history, it helped with my reading comprehension and helped me become a better writer. it's very manageable! I'm also in AP English Language right now which hasn't been too bad yet, but school also just started. it's a good class to take though because if you do well on your exam you can be exempt from your language class at some colleges. Good luck!!!

🎤5 months ago

Okay Thank Youu


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