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5 months ago
School List Suggestions


Hey, I am a freshman in high school, and I want to get into T-25 school for a STEM related major. What would be some basic recommendations for extracurricular, and should I join a sport?

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5 months ago

STEM Clubs and Competitions: Join or start a science club, math team, robotics club, or coding group. Participating in competitions like Science Olympiad, Math Olympiad, or FIRST Robotics can be impressive on your application.

Research Opportunities: Look for opportunities to get involved in research projects, either through school programs, local universities, or internships. This experience can give you a hands-on understanding of STEM fields.

Volunteering and Service Projects: Consider volunteering in STEM-related areas, such as tutoring in math or science, or participating in community tech workshops. This shows your passion for sharing knowledge and giving back.

Leadership Roles: Seek leadership roles in clubs or student government. Demonstrating leadership skills is important for top schools.

Personal Projects: Engage in personal STEM projects, like building a website, developing an app, or conducting independent research. Document your work and results.

Hope this helps!!

🎤5 months ago

Thank you for the suggestions!! I'll definitely try them out!


5 months ago

become president of a stem club that has purpose. I made the mistake of becoming presidents of clubs that have no impact on the world. They want to see numbers whether that be community service hours, money raised, downloads etc, just make sure it has actual impact


5 months ago

if you seriously want to commit, you will get far. sports are fun, and I learned the joy of volleyball over my highschool career. it may seem like freshman and sophomore year is a little much, but compared to your upperclassman years you will have much more time now that you will ever realize later. Definitely try to utilize this time to start or join a club, and do a sports team, find a sport you like, maybe even consider join a school team, and even a CLUB level team (that goes to tournaments). Stick with something you like and things you can commit to. IF you get far with them, it shows your growth over the years, which is one of the most important things colleges want to see when you apply. Good luck


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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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