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4 months ago
School List Suggestions

In-State, Out of State, and Private Universities

Hi! I'm a Junior with a 4.65 weighted GPA and a 4.0 unweighted GPA. I'm still unsure of what I want to pursue, but some of my main options are a double major in Psych and English, just Psych, Nutrition (any type of dietary science), and Neuroscience and Behavior. I've recently been questioning my confined college list; I've always considered UCs and the higher-level Cal states as the only feasible direction for me, deeming out-of-state Universities and Ivy's as out of the question, financially and realistically.

I'm in a bit of a dilemma because I want to keep my options open; I don't want to constrain myself to this mindset of "it would just be a waste of my time and money applying". Simultaneously, I want to be realistic since I could never afford to go to privates and higher-level, out-of-state universities, even if they somehow gave me some financial aid. Nonetheless, life in California is CRAZY expensive and I feel like keeping myself in California for university can inevitably lead to me rooting my network here and in turn, my future jobs. So, I do clearly see the benefits of establishing myself in another, more affordable state at the same time. In conclusion, I need help AHHH. I would greatly appreciate any advice or recommendations!! <3

stick to the in-state, public university list
branch out and also apply to a few privates and out-of-states
add some in-state privates only
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4 months ago

for your college list, it's essential to be open-minded and consider both in-state and out-of-state options, as well as a mix of public and private institutions. While the UCs and Cal States are excellent options, don't be afraid to apply to some out-of-state or private universities if they align with your goals and interests.

Financial considerations are crucial, and it's wise to think about the cost of attendance and potential financial aid packages. Here are a few suggestions to navigate this:

Research financial aid opportunities, including scholarships, grants, and work-study programs, to make college more affordable.

Consider universities with generous financial aid policies or those that meet 100% of demonstrated financial need.

Be open to attending a less expensive college for your undergraduate degree and pursuing a graduate degree or establishing your network in your preferred state afterward.

Use college search websites and college net price calculators to estimate the cost of attendance and potential financial aid packages at different universities.

Regarding out-of-state options, remember that attending college in another state can diversify your experience and help you build a broader network. However, it's also possible to establish yourself in a new state after completing your undergraduate degree if that's your preference.


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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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