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2 months ago
School List Suggestions

Pre med

Hi, I'm an 18-year-old driven pre-med student with a passion for Biological Science and a strong academic record, boasting a 3.71 GPA, 6 AP classes, and 18 honors classes. I've completed all required classes except for English to graduate high school and am currently taking additional AP courses in Anatomy and Physiology, Computer Science, and Java. I've achieved Straight As in all STEM classes and am seeking full scholarships to support my college journey. Can you guide me on the best fit colleges and the application process?

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2 months ago[edited]

Impressive academic record, indeed! Kudos on your hard work and dedication. With your outstanding background, you're in a great position to apply to some top-notch universities that offer robust pre-med programs and scholarships.

Some top-notch pre-med schools to consider include Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Stanford, Duke, and the University of Pennsylvania. They're known for their stellar academic programs, research opportunities, and financial aid packages.

When applying, make sure to highlight your academic achievements, passion for science, and any extracurricular activities or leadership roles you've held. It's also important to research the specific scholarship opportunities and deadlines for each school.

If you're interested, I can walk you through the college application process step-by-step, from researching schools to writing essays and nailing your interviews. Are you interested?


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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