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2 months ago
School List Suggestions

I dont know what im doing with my future

Hii!! 16 year old Junior thinking about collages/majors , I have no clue what I want though and id appreciate some help, I know I for sure want to get into a university but I have no clue what for! how does one even choose this?

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2 months ago

Continuing on in the other person's light:

What do you enjoy? If you like people, go into hospitality; science, research; teaching- well, teaching, on any level. There's a LOT of options, and jobs for literally anything. You could try career match surveys maybe just for a start or an idea. If there's a class through high school you loved, try to expand on that and see what jobs could be in the area.


2 months ago[edited]

Hi there!

I wrote a post you might find helpful about choosing the perfect major:

I hope this helps you. Please lmk if you have any questions!


2 months ago

whatever pays the bills 😭

jk but like honestly js make sure to choose a major that would actually pay off and not be too general like a communications degree cs thats too broad

if i were you i would go to something that i have a natural talent for but thats also something that would give you job security in the future that isn't too oversaturated for it to be too competitive.

look for in-state colleges first and thenn extend your search to out of state or even international. build your extracurriculars while you can, NHS is a real chance booster

2 months ago

like for example i was really into computer science but i wasn't sure if i liked the idea of working for someone else in a competitive market. i started my own business and it worked out pretty well for someone as a freshman, ive also learned digital marketing + design skills as well so that lead me to choose business as my final option.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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