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2 months ago
School List Suggestions


Hi there, I'm currently a freshman and I really wanted to get a head start on colleges. I have a rough idea of where I want to go. I'm not really set on major however I am interested in most travel nursing or the general surgeon side of things. I currently have a 4.0 Gpa. I don't have any honor classes right now but i want to do at least one. And i'm seeing if I can do dual enrollment.I really love reading. Any major recommendations?

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2 months ago

OMG YOU ARE LITTLE ME!!! I'm a sophomore taking a Nursing Assistance course to work my way up and get as many qualifications as possible. I have always been an advanced reader, consistently good grades, and am also looking into being a traveling nurse. I have Johns Hopkins, NYU, UCLA, BYU, SUNY Stony Brook, Baylor, and U of W on my list right now and they all offer majors in my field of pursuit. There are many options for the medical/healthcare field, so make sure you research all of them and find the one (or two) that interest you. Really narrow it down because the more you know what you want, schools/programs will want you (and that goes for just about anything. Be certain about what you want and you will attract it)

🎤2 months ago

Can we connect so you can give me some ideas I guess, just from what you said here I think you can help me

2 months ago

Sure, what info do you want?

🎤2 months ago

Can you give me a outline of how I can start my nursing career as a freshman.Im based in florida.

🎤2 months ago

How do you get your qualifications

2 months ago

You have to be 18+ to apply for nursing programs that can give you a license (at least in California). Check if you're school offers classes in the medical/healthcare fields as electives, That's what I did. Don't stress too much right now, since you're still a freshman, but at least get good grades. If your high school doesn't offer those courses, check about dual enrollment at your community college, because most likely they will have the courses you want. A piece of advice, I would say don't date, boyfriends take a lot of time and energy, and only surround yourself with people that have similar interests. It will be more beneficial for everyone involved. They will be more understanding when it comes to being busy, and you may be able to help each other with your academic and professional endeavors. If you choose to go with the dual enrollment plan, try to make friends with one or two college freshmen in your nursing class at the community college. That's what I did and it worked out well for me. They were older so they were able to give me advice on more subjects than just nursing. Manage your time well, only go out/have fun once you finish with your home/schoolwork. There are few scenarios in which you have full control, but your schooling and career are some of the things you can control. When you have full control over something, it tends to work out more in your favor. Let me know if I missed anything you need 😊


2 months ago

You've got plenty of time to decide! Continue to pursue your interests and extracurriculars. Explore! Also, don't take on too many advanced academics if you won't be able to handle it. Take one or two the first time, then you can properly gauge how you perform. If you are interested in medical fields, then spend time getting familiar with the different career and educational opportunities. Also there are some pre-college summer courses that tailor to high schoolers interested in the medical field. Collegevine has some blogs on summer programs! Freshman year is the time to explore and enjoy. Crunch time happens in junior and senior year, so try not to pressure yourself.

Hope that helps!


2 months ago

seriously don't worry about it.. my interests have changed so much through the years and only this year (my senior year) have I figured out what I'm actually passionate about. I would say add some class rigor, a high gpa can get you scholarships but class rigor gives you personality that colleges like to see.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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