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2 months ago
School List Suggestions

How do I get into my dream college if I was a slacker for my first 2 years of high-school?

I never really thought about college before now and all of the sudden I need to go but I have no clue what to do I'm a junior with a 3.8 weighted gpa and zero extracurriculars or clubs or basically anything that looks good on a application. This app says I have a 2% chance of getting into the school I want. How can I cram 4 years worth of extracurriculars in 2 and is it even possible

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2 months ago

Take advantage of the fact that its your junior year and join clubs now because colleges mainly look at your notes from junior year


2 months ago[edited]

I’ll say try to explore your interests and skills and you may see what you might be interested in majoring in college. This also can help you find extracurriculars related to your interests and skills. And it’s possible to cram 4 years, you need to do your research on extracurricular that look good and relate it to your interests, and you should be dedicated because colleges look for that too.

Hope this helps.


2 months ago

I was the exact same my first two(2) years of high school as well, so I can relate to this post! I would say to explore what interests and skills you are interested in, and you don't have to cram multiple extracurriculars in your last two(2) years of high school! Just choose your extracurriculars wisely and make sure they correlate to what major in college you want to achieve. The classes and extracurriculars you choose now can help you with whatever major you aspire towards.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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