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2 months ago
School List Suggestions

Psychology or Neuroscience

Hi everyone! I am currently a junior in highschool, who has yet to take her SAT. My question is if I should take Psychology r Neuroscience. I have a deep love for studying the brain and especially want to understand it. I love seeing how people behave and that works, for example like how people dream and how it work? I find things like that interesting. I know that Neuroscience is a hard major and there's a large input of math and science, which I'm fine with! My problem is my math isn't always the strongest unless I focus on it. If anyone could help me with this choice, thank you so much! :)

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2 months ago

Well, if you’re thinking about a career, neuroscience is going to push you into the medical career while psychology would push you into something along the lines of a therapist. Just think about which you would rather do.


2 months ago

Psychology is a broader field that studies human behavior and mental processes. It involves less math and science compared to neuroscience. Neuroscience specifically focuses on the brain and nervous system. It requires strong math and science skills, especially in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics.

Choosing between psychology and neuroscience depends on your personal interests and career goals. If you're more interested in the overall study of human behavior, psychology might be a good fit. If you're fascinated by the brain and how it works, neuroscience could be a great choice.

Consider your strengths and weaknesses in math and science to help you make a decision. You might also want to take introductory courses in both fields to get a better understanding of which one you enjoy more.

🎤2 months ago

Thank you so much!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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