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2 months ago
School List Suggestions

I can't finallize what to pursue in college! Does anyone have any info/advice on these topics?


I truly can't decide what major to go forth with. I'm a current high school senior, graduating early (Dec 2024). I plan to attend college in fall of 2025. I have a rough idea of what colleges to apply to already, and am sticking to a specific area. I have an interest in Psychology and Medicine, but I know I am queasy around some medical equipment. I don't know what medical field to look more into that wouldn't handle those materials. I also know that some of the colleges I'm applying to don't have their own medical schools. I don't see myself pursuing a maintainable career in Psychology because I am too sympathetic and it would take a toll on me to hear about disheartening situations. I grew up with a very creative mind and love hands-on art. I have always been making some form of art since childhood, yet I feel like art classes would be defeating for some reason. A handful of my teachers say I have a knack for English as well, saying I would have a chance with pursuing that.

In summary; English, Psychology, Art, and Medicine are my finalized options. I'm interested in medical fields that don't involve invasive medical equipment, but don't know what fields that entails. I love being artistic but don't want to feel crushed over art. Psychology is a debatable goal due to the way I handle situations. As well as, I wouldn't know what career to follow with English.

I appreciate and advice or information anyone provides! Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 months ago

I'm interested in healthcare/medical fields so I could suggest something a little closer to nursing, nurse assistant, medical assistant, or something along those lines. It's not a career as a surgeon or even a doctor, so it wouldn't be super triggering. I personally hate going to the doctors but I'm taking a class on nursing assistance right now and really enjoy it. It's a little low on the ladder, but it's a step in the right direction. A friend of mine is going to school for engineering and she's super creative. She says that people always assume that engineering is really hard, but she says that if you're creative enough, it just feels like a big, professional art project. Not saying that other art careers are inferior, just that it's different in some ways and similar in others. Engineering and being artistic both take a lot of brain power and adding unconventional ideas to the more typical ones.

2 months ago

A few ideas: Radiology deals with x-ray and imaging equipment. I'm iffy with blood and such so I was looking into it for a while. With English, teachers and professors are the positions I know of to look at. You could probably go into a professor position with psychology too, or reasearch. Art- I don't have much here. Graphic design is an idea, but I've always been told I can't make money doing it so i quit research here 😭. I'm not exactly sure where your medical field limits would be, but labratory research may be an okay fit.

Hope this helps a bit :)

a month ago

If you want to mesh art and psych, maybe try the path of an art therapist. It's rewarding, but not necessarily well-paying. You can even choose to work with children, which is tough in the sense that they can be a little harder to handle than adults, but it can be less in-depth with their trauma than adults and more focused on the art aspect.

Furthermore, nursing might be a good option for the medical field.

English degrees can be good for roles in advertising, scriptwriting, or being a translator if you can speak another language and want to help people who can't speak English yet.

Personally, I'd pursue Psych or Nursing, since they payrolls in those fields are typically higher, but if job gratification is something you want as well, do some soul-searching and see what's most important to you!

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