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2 months ago
School List Suggestions

extracurricular recommendations?

hi everyone! i'm a junior in HS, currently researching colleges, and I'm realizing that my extracurriculars aren't relatively awesome, but I'm having some trouble finding things that interest me as well as helping college admissions chances. I have a seasonal job at a pumpkin patch, and will need to get another one for the off-season, so that is something I need to take into consideration. I enjoy anything nature-related, working with animals, sewing, photography, and interior design. I have some construction experience, a little bit of office work experience, and I've been babysitting for a long time. Does anyone have any ideas for extracurriculars I should look into? And as far as types, should I be looking more into clubs or things like volunteer work? For my major I'm considering natural resources and conservation, or rangeland management, if that's relevant. Thanks in advance!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 months ago[edited]

- Hey I'm currently a senior, I'm not really active at my school but I recommend taking classes that offer extracurriculars that interest you:

- If you are into leadership and your school offers JROTC you can give a try. I've been in this program for 3 years. Its a really good start for your community service. The extracurriculars that they offer is Archery, Drill team, Jlab ( which is good for your SAT) Jclc and etc.. Most college applications look for leadership skills and community service hours and this is a good start! I just join Archery and its really fun.

Sports clubs: you can join for fun and you can get a scholarship just by playing one specific sport. My friend just got accepted into a prestigous college just by playing basketball with a full ride scholarship. If you play any sports this is your chance to shine!.

If you are interesting in volunteering you can chck out the clubs that is in charge of volunteering or fundraising.You can join clubs outside of your school.. Its really up to what kind of things that you enjoy doing.

I'm part of a translating club outside of my school, so if you are interested in translating you can do your research online. You can learn alot and about other cultures outside of your social circle. The advantage of this is that you can learn another language. Its really helpful if you are going to a international school. Its really up to what you like to do in your free time..

2 months ago

Hey! I'm a sophomore but I'm really active in my school, I'd recommend for your interests:

-Looking into whether your school has any philanthropic clubs, for example my school has a club where we pick a charity and fundraise for it all year we did Planned Parenthood a few years back.

-If your school has a green team of climate club (that could also be a fun one to start with some friends and science teacher)

-I'm biased (im the secretary lol) but I love my debate team to death and it's a great club to work on presenting and public speaking skills

-Also projects like increasing climate awareness, an op-ed piece in a school or local paper, or starting a community garden are fun and relevant-to-your-interests ways to show commitment and make good additions to a college app (in my opinion)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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