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a month ago
School List Suggestions

Deciding States To Go To College In

Hello friends, I need help.

I'm on track to get the FL Bright Futures scholarship, but that's only valid in FL State Colleges. I am also participating in another scholarship that is better used in FL. However, I have family in CA and I'm more familiar with the area having grown up there. I would like to go to college there, but it is expensive.

I am unsure of what I want to major in (sophomore), but I'm in dual enrollment and getting my AA in Gen Ed right now.


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a month ago

Hi, my advice is to also look at the Florida in-state student acceptance rates. So many more kids are Bright Future eligible than can actually be accepted at the top public FL schools. If your HS offers AP's try to take those. When we moved out of FL, some people didn't think FL kids are getting a good education. AP's help with that bias.


a month ago

If you’re worried about costs, try to find multiple California schools’ tuition + expenses calculators to really see if it’s something feasible for you to pay for. :)) Also, you should always apply as you never know if you’ll get scholarships or some sort of offer from the school.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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