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a month ago
School List Suggestions

Looking for a target School.

Hey there! I'm currently a High School student taking 4 Higher Level, and 4 Standard Level International-Baccalaureate (IB) courses. I currently have a 3.81 cumulative GPA, play club soccer, am involved in Youth and Government (YAG), and am a part of an award-winning Chamber Choir, that has won several awards. I intend to go into university as a Biology major or something in that area with a focus to get into med school and eventually become an Anesthesiologist. Any target school recommendations?

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a month ago

University of Michigan: UMich has a strong biology department and a well-respected medical school. Their emphasis on undergraduate research can give you valuable hands-on experience.

University of Wisconsin-Madison: UW-Madison's biology and pre-med programs are solid, and their campus culture is known for being welcoming and supportive.

Emory University: Emory offers a strong biology program and access to the world-renowned CDC, which can provide unique research and internship opportunities.

University of Washington: UW's biology department is highly regarded, and their medical school is consistently ranked among the top in the nation. Seattle's biotech industry can also provide opportunities for internships and research.

University of California, San Diego: UCSD's biology and pre-med programs are excellent, and their location in La Jolla offers access to top-notch research institutions like the Salk Institute and Scripps Research.

🎤a month ago

Wow!! So many great options. Thank you so much for the guidance it's greatly appreciated. I'll definitely take a good look at each of those schools and potentially more that have good research programs as well. Once again thank you!


4 hours ago

In addition to the wonderful lise suggested below, I would request to learn more about John Hopkins University and Princeton University as your target schools for are really selective; around 7%.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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