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2 months ago
School List Suggestions


Does anyone know of any schools with either a biopsychology or neuroscience program? Preferably on the East Coast

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2 months ago

On the East Coast, the top neuroscience programs are at Ivy League schools if you want a reach. For hard targets depending on your stats, you could look into Johns Hopkins, Bowdoin, Smith, Carnegie Mellon, & Swarthmore. For targets Mount Holyoke, U of Maryland, or U of Rochester.


2 months ago

Harvard University (MA) - Offers a robust program through its Department of Psychology, with access to cutting-edge research facilities and interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities.

Duke University (NC) - Known for its research initiatives and strong emphasis on the biological aspects of psychology. Duke has a comprehensive neuroscience program that includes biopsychology.

Johns Hopkins University (MD) - Offers a strong program in psychological and brain sciences, providing students with opportunities to engage in research across various domains of biopsychology.

University of Pennsylvania (PA) - Features a strong psychology department with opportunities to explore the intersection of biology and behavior, supported by extensive research facilities.

Boston University (MA) - Offers a dedicated program that focuses on the biological bases of behavior, with numerous research labs and faculty specializing in biopsychology.


2 months ago

Smith should be a top one because you can not only major in neuroscience, but since they are in the 5-college consortium you can also get a cross-university certificate in Cognitive Neuroscience and an education from 4 other top east coast schools while still at Smith.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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