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2 months ago
School List Suggestions

Education Major Schools

Recently I've been looking into what school I plan to go to once I graduate high school next spring. Since I live in West Virginia I've been pretty set on Glenville my entire life since it's always been described to me as "the best teaching college in the state" but I've been looking into keeping my options more open lately.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for schools with really good education programs at schools in states not too far away from WV?

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2 months ago

The University of Virginia, William and Mary, and Virginia Tech all have really good teaching colleges, however, William and Mary is a bit of a drive from WV. But Virginia tech is really close.

🎤2 months ago

I've heard Virginia Tech supposedly has a really good band program too, so I'll definitely keep that one in mind.


24 days ago

Depends on your GPA and what you consider a major school.

I checked out Glenville, it doesn't seem to be all that impressive from a college standpoint. However, I don't doubt that their education courses aren't good.

Vanderbilt in Tenessee has an awesome education program. It's definitely top-5. Some people say that it's the best in the country. It's also got a campus of about 10k students, which is what you would likely consider a major school.

There's Liberty University in Virginia. Liberty University is a huge school. It's got about 50k students. It is a Catholic private school, however (I don't know if you're religious). It has a 99% acceptance rate, so you don't have to worry as much about GPA!

And then of course, there's the University of Virgina. UV is arguably one of the best schools in the country, but many people tend to forget how smart it is because it is a public school. It has an average GPA of 4.3 (yeesh) and it comes with all the smart school perks.

There's the University of Michigan. It's in a lot of top rankings for education schools. However, getting into this school isn't as hard as the other ones, granted you will have to travel a bit.

There's also North Carolina. Like all of the other schools on this list, it's super tough to get into. Basically right next to UNC is Duke university. Another super good private school.

For easier schools that aren't crazy expensive or for brainiaks:

Michigan State (3.8 GPA): Awesome school culture, I know a couple of people who are going there. Highly recommend. Great band program, fun club life. Large school.

Ohio State (3.8 GPA): Awesome sport culture, large school. Don't know much about the band program, but I've heard good things about the college as a whole.

Virginia Commonwealth (3.7): This school was on a lot of the top lists - Honestly, I haven't heard of it before but I'd definitely recommend checking it out. It has about 28k students so it's a major school as well.

I wish you the best! Hopefully I did alright finding you a couple of schools to check out!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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