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2 months ago
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How to swim for college?

I'm a varsity swimmer and captain of my high school team. I'm D3 level based on the average times. I'm just confused about how the whole college sports thing works and how I would get to swim for a college team. Should I email coaches? Is that a weird thing to do? How do I join college teams?

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4 answers

2 months ago

College sports recruiting can be a bit complex. Being proactive is key, so reaching out to coaches is actually a common and encouraged practice. Start by identifying colleges with swimming programs that match your level and academic interests. Look at Division III schools since your times align with that level. It’s not weird to email coaches; in fact, it’s a typical first step. Introduce yourself, express your interest in their program, and share your athletic and academic achievements. Be sure to personalize each email to the specific coach and program. Attach a resume with your swimming accomplishments, times, and any video footage of your events if possible. This helps coaches get a clearer picture of your abilities. If possible, participate in swimming camps or showcases where college coaches might be present. This can increase your visibility. Even though Division III doesn’t offer athletic scholarships, registering can still be a good step if you're considering other divisions.

2 months ago

look into NCSA, it a website that helps coaches and athletes connect. You also should email coaches your intense in their programs, lots of info on youtube/tt of what/ how to say things :)

2 months ago

First you would start out by sort of making a drought draft list of schools that you would like to swim for and then email the coaches and get a visit on campus after that narrow your search down and re email coaches and try to visit the athletics department of the schools after that you could narrow it down to one school

2 months ago

Just write an email to the coaches of the teams you want to swim for highlighting your best times, your gpa, other strong points, and why you want to go to that school. Hopefully they reply and the recruiting process will continue with maybe a phone call, a visit, then eventually an offer.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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