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a month ago
School List Suggestions

What classes should I take next year?

I'm a sophomore in high school.

I go to the #1 school in my state.

I have a 3.58 GPA and my PSAT score is a 1360, although I plan to improve both this year. My PSAT is projected to be an SAT of 1400.

I'm taking a few Honors classes. (Science, Math, History)

I'm taking Chemistry, Algebra/Trig III, Lifetime Fitness, Coding I, Western Civilizations, and British Literature.

I would like to take either an Aeronautical Science major or a Marketing major at a college such as Purdue, Michigan, USAFA, UND, MIT, UPenn, or Baylor. (All tough colleges, CollegeVine gives me about a 54% chance of getting in to most of these.)

What classes would you recommend for taking my Junior year?

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@anemoiaa month ago

If you can take any classes that pertain to your future major, take them. If your school offers Advanced Placement courses, I suggest taking AP Seminar (involves critical thinking skills + prereq for AP Research; looks great for aeroscience and marketing majors) and/or AP Physics. Magoosh is a great resource for boosting PSAT and SAT scores if you're interested. Good luck!

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Accepted Answer
9 days ago

Some classes that would impress colleges for aeronautical science would be organic chem, AP physics C, AP calc BC, and AP chem. For marketing, you can take AP macro/microeconomics, AP calc, AP seminar/research.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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