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a month ago
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trying to cram more credits in, but with a lot of difficulty!!!

hi guys and gals,

i'm a freshman who is planning on going to UDUB, because it's in my home state, and i've heard about how great their engineering program is. i have only 17 (out of 24) credits i need to complete for high school graduation (17 instead of 18 because i did env sci in 8th grade). i know i'm a credit ahead of my scheduled curriculum, but in my senior year i want to be able to have like five free periods so i can take a part-time job to get money for college (and stay in school to do sports for free.)

my problem is that, i'm taking orchestra. there's nothing wrong with the program, but it's just that since i want to be able to get more credits, orchestra is practically a core class because i'll have to do it for my entire high school career, which means i don't have much room for AP physics which i want to take next year, and also spanish 1 (in my sophomore year) and 2 (in my junior year). oh yeah, forgot to mention, should i accelerate my math? i'm just on algebra 1, while still following curriculum, i feel like i want to be more ahead.

anyways, if you're thinking "i ain't reading allat", this is to sum it up:

1) i'm a freshman

2) i'm taking orchestra, which takes up an elective for 4 years (not what i want, but have to keep)

3) i want to do AP physics sophomore year (takes up an elective)

4) i want to do spanish 1 sophomore year and spanish 2 junior year (takes up an elective)

5) i want to accelerate my math-- currently algebra 1 but i feel like i want to be even more ahead

6) i don't want to graduate a year early-- i want free periods for a part-time job

if you think that i am pushing myself too hard, don't worry. i really need the pressure.

thanks in advance


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
a month ago

Most of these are questions for your counselors tbh. First, your plan for a senior half-day is based on your school and their requirements for half-day students. Similarly, your ability to take AP Physics sophomore year is dependent on the prereqs of the class, and if your school even ALLOWS underclassmen to take AP Physics, which most don't (I tried asking as a sophomore, it wasn't allowed in my school unless you were a senior as you were required to take regular physics first). Since UW is your dream school and your want to get more credits, maybe look into the school and see if they have the option for dual enrollment, as it will also allow you to get a feel for the school early and what student life is like, while allowing you to get your desired credits.

In summary:

TALK TO YOUR COUNSELOR! They'll be able to help you plan better than anyone online because they know your school, the requirements, and can help you decide based on your planned schedule.

a month ago

accelerating your math is a good decision, lots of top colleges want to see advanced calculus. try doing dual enrollment to earn more credits. you can do online courses / in person at a community college and earn class credits over the summer / after school.

13 days ago

YES ACCELERATE IN MATH. And yes, take both spanish classes because most colleges look for that. Youre doing great because you have 17 credits already?!?!?!?! idek how thats possible but youre way ahead of most freshmen i know (im a sophomore) if anything, take ap physics next year and spanish jr and sr year

18 days ago[edited]

Maybe think about taking some online classes since I’m in Florida I was allowed to take FLVS during middle school. I took psychology in sixth grade, and Spanish 2 and algebra 1 in seventh. Idk about other states but maybe check out your options. I think that would be really helpful for what you’re trying to go for.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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