Hello, in my freshman year I took an online AP Environmental Science and IM3 course to pass more requirements. I was told beforehand that it would show as a Pass/Fail grade because of the pandemic in March 2020, but my counselor later protested that it had to be a Letter grade. Although it doesn't affect my gpa, both still show as Bs. Meanwhile, my sophomore year has all As.
What are tips for getting into UCLA while not having that great grades in some freshman courses?
Hopefully this will relieve some stress as UCLA and UC's, in general, do not include freshman and senior year in their GPA calculation. They will see those freshman courses and their grades but again they are looking more at rigor and trends! Taking AP's as a freshman and having an upward trajectory with straight A's as a sophomore is great.
It is also important to know that competitive universities like UCLA aren't just looking at grades. They are also looking for students who are engaged in their communities so make sure to follow your passions and get involved! Check out this CollegeVine article on the different types of extracurricular activities: https://blog.collegevine.com/breaking-down-the-4-tiers-of-extracurricular-activities/
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I second this comment! To get a better idea of your UC GPA, check out this stream we did on it recently! Yesh walks through the calculation and explains more about which grades do and don't factor in: https://www.collegevine.com/livestreams/4141/the-uc-application. Elias also did a stream on UCLA specifically: https://www.collegevine.com/livestreams/4145/in-for-the-win-how-to-get-into-ucla