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a year ago
UCLA prospective students

Standout Connect

Can someone who has done the Standout Connect program tell me about their experience? Thanks!

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@JV2025a year ago

I had a good experience with the standout connect program. They teach you about a bunch of professional tools I had heard of before and ended up being really useful in the internship. I also liked that you get to practice legitimate interviewing with different companies run by Ivy League alumni. I would recommend that you expect to apply multiple times though before you get in to the program.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@opp000a year ago

Thank you!!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Hi, I did StandOut Connect in summer 2023 and would highly recommend. After the resume workshops and interview process (I think I got interviews with 5 companies), I matched with a private practice medical clinic in Boston founded by a Stanford alum. Started off leading their social media marketing, but later transitioned to a research role. Conducted a literature review on a treatment and presented if the company should start using it. Cool stuff for a teenager imo! Standout Connect's role is essentially to improve your marketability as an intern and then connect you with companies, who take it from there. Happy to answer your questions.

2 months ago

Hi! I was a part of StandOut Connect’s 2024 Summer Cohort and thought the program was worth it. Throughout StandOut’s resumé building and workshop process, I gained valuable networking skills, and was able to interact with a series of business professionals, gaining invaluable career insights. This was super helpful in the formal recruiting process where I ended up receiving offers from multiple companies I interviewed with! I ended up matching into an internship with a decentralized fintech startup based out of California, where I performed research and data analytics. I performed competitive analysis, produced reports on mergers and acquisitions and more. StandOut Connect really gave me a valuable opportunity to earn an internship in the financial world, allowing me to perform meaningful, hands-on work in a role typically not available to high schoolers, or even underclassmen in college. The internship that resulted from completing StandOut Connect has been an asset in the college admissions process, providing pertinent experience to discuss in supplementals and repeatedly catching the eye of admissions officers, as a unique differentiator in the Common App activities section. I would be happy to answer any other questions about StandOut’s program!

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SAT: 720 math
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