Maria Varona-Farach
Maria Varona-Farach


5 years of experience
Fun Facts
Describe yourself in five words
Driven, kind, motherly, adventurous, curious

First job
Worked at a bookstore

Dream job
College Counseling

Favorite book
Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Favorite subject in school
History and Math

Favorite after-school activities

Favorite food
Paella... I make a mean one!

Traveling, reading....
5 years of experience
Fun Facts
Describe yourself in five words
Driven, kind, motherly, adventurous, curious

First job
Worked at a bookstore

Dream job
College Counseling

Favorite book
Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Favorite subject in school
History and Math

Favorite after-school activities

Favorite food
Paella... I make a mean one!

Traveling, reading....
Tips for success
1. Prepare for your first session
Plan out the questions and topics you'd like to discuss. If you'd like to work together in the long term, discuss expectations for each other.