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US Military Training: Just how hard is it?

I'm a rising junior and have been thinking about potentially enlisting in the military post-grad. I know training is going to be a big part of that, but just how hard is training in the US military? Also, does anyone know which branch has the most rigorous training?

5 months ago

The intensity of military training varies widely from branch to branch in the US armed forces, as well as by the specific unit and job you're assigned to. In general, all the branches undertake initial training, or "boot camp," which focuses on physical fitness, discipline, and acquiring basic military knowledge.

In the 'boot camp', participants undergo a series of physically and mentally draining activities to build their discipline and resilience. Some commonly faced challenges include rigorous physical training, limited sleep, mental stress due to constant evaluation, learning basic military laws and procedures, and adopting a disciplined way of life. It's indeed rigorous but it is designed to ensure that the recruits can handle the physical and mental demands of military service.

As for the branch with the most rigorous training, it's complex but the Navy SEALs (a unit within the Navy) and the Army Special Forces, aka "Green Berets," are considered to have among the toughest training programs, known for their intensity and high dropout rates. The Marine Corps also has a reputation for physically demanding training, particularly in their initial boot camp.

One thing that remains constant across all branches is that success in military training requires a serious commitment, physical fitness, mental toughness, and willingness to be a part of a team. Regardless of the path you choose, entering the military is a big decision and it's great that you're making an effort to understand the realities of it.

5 months ago

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