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Difficulty of different US military training programs?

Hello everyone. As a high school rising junior, I've been considering the military as a post-graduation option. I'd love to have a understanding of how challenging the training for each branch is. Any information about the hardest US military training programs would be greatly appreciated.

5 months ago

All branches of the U.S military have basic training programs that are physically and mentally demanding, which is necessary to prepare future service members to handle the rigors of military service. Here's a brief rundown:

1. Army Basic Combat Training (BCT): This lasts about 10 weeks and covers basic military laws, tactical training, and physical fitness. Recruits undergo intensive physical conditioning and learn marksmanship, first aid, and how to operate in hostile environments.

2. Navy Boot Camp: Lasting about 8 weeks, it includes physical conditioning, seamanship, water survival skills, weapons training, and naval customs. The NAVY puts a big emphasis on swimming skills and water survival.

3. Marine Corps Boot Camp: A 12-week program. It's often considered the most difficult, physically and mentally, due to its emphasis on physical fitness, water survival, and combat skills. The Crucible, a 54-hour field training exercise, is one of the most challenging parts of this training.

4. Air Force Basic Military Training (BMT): This 8.5-week course focuses on military discipline, physical fitness, drill and ceremony, and learning Air Force core values. There's also a heavy emphasis on academics.

5. Coast Guard Basic Training: Lasts about 8 weeks. It includes physical training, seamanship, firefighting, marksmanship, and water survival, among other things.

6. Space Force: The newest branch of the military, it initially required its members to complete Air Force Basic Military Training. However, in June 2021, a specialized program called the Space Basic Military Training was introduced which lasts 8.5 weeks. It focuses on understanding military culture, building physical fitness, learning about the Space Force mission and how to fulfill the role in it.

Remember, these are basic training programs and it can toughen up as one moves up to more specialized training courses. Other training programs such as Ranger School, Navy SEALs, etc. are exceptionally rigorous. The most challenging among such advanced programs are often considered the Navy SEALs' BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) Training, Army's Ranger School, and Marine Corps Combat Training. These often demand supreme levels of physical fitness, endurance, and mental resilience.

5 months ago

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