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Purdue University Early Action

So I'm planning to apply to Purdue for the next fall semester. I want to know more about their early action program. Can someone elaborate on this process? Appreciate your help, thanks!

5 months ago

Sure, Early Action (EA) at Purdue University provides a few benefits to applicants. Firstly, you submit the application and receive a decision earlier than those who apply Regular Decision (RD). The deadline for EA at Purdue is usually around November 1st. Those who apply by this deadline typically receive their decisions by mid-January.

The benefit of applying EA is not just the early decision. It can also indicate to the college your strong interest in attending their institution. However, at Purdue, it's crucial to note that the Early Action is non-binding. This means that if you are admitted, you have until the general May 1st college decision day to confirm your attendance. Also remember, even if you apply EA, some programs like Nursing or Vet Tech might have additional requirements or a different timeline. As you prepare your application, be sure to look over all the specific instructions for your intended major.

One other tip is that, although it's great to get your application in early, don't rush your materials. Ensure your application, particularly your essays, are of high quality and represent you well. This can be crucial within the Purdue admission process. Good luck with your application!

5 months ago

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