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What's Rutgers' Early Action acceptance rate?

I'm considering applying Early Action to Rutgers but wanted to know how their EA acceptance rate compares to the Regular Decision round. Is it significantly higher or about the same? Any insight would be great!

5 months ago

Rutgers University has not officially disclosed separate acceptance rates for their Early Action (EA) and Regular Decision (RD) cycles. This is likely due to the fact that the university's admission process is holistic and not solely driven by the application deadline chosen by the student.

However, applying earlier often gives an applicant at any university a slight advantage, as they are demonstrating strong interest in the institution by submitting their application ahead of the RD applicants. Additionally, decisions are made when the maximum number of spots are available.

That said, I encourage you not to base your decision to apply EA solely on acceptance rates. Consider if your application would truly be at its best for the EA deadline or if you could benefit from more time to improve elements of your application (like your essays or continued involvement in extracurriculars) if you applied during the RD round instead.

Also, please note that Rutgers EA is non-binding, which means if you're admitted, you're not obliged to attend the university. So, it might still be worth considering if you're ready to submit your application early and you're eager to hear back sooner.

Hope this information helps you make an informed decision. Good luck!

5 months ago

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