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Choosing between Saint Joseph's and LaSalle

I'm lucky to have been accepted into both Saint Joseph's and LaSalle but now I'm torn. Can anyone shed some light on the main differences between the two? This is stressing me out because I don’t want to make the wrong choice.

5 months ago

Congrats on your acceptances! They're both great universities and deciding between two great choices can definitely be stressful. Here's a comparative look at Saint Joseph's and LaSalle which might help you make your decision:

1. Location: Saint Joseph's is located in a suburban area of Philadelphia providing a campus feel, while still being close to the city. LaSalle, on the other hand, is located in North Philadelphia, providing a more urban feel. Depending on your preference, location could play a significant role in your decision.

2. Size: Saint Joseph’s is medium-sized with around 5,000 undergraduates, whereas LaSalle is slightly smaller with around4,400 undergraduates. If a slightly larger student body and possibly larger alumni network is of importance, then Saint Joseph's may be a better fit.

3. Academics: Both institutions offer a range of majors, so it's crucial that you consider your desired course of study and academic interests. For example, Saint Joseph's University is known for its strong business, education, and communication studies programs. LaSalle University, on the other hand, is recognized for its nursing, communication sciences and disorders, and psychology programs.

4. Campus Life: Both colleges have a range of student clubs and organizations and offer Division I sports. However, Saint Joseph's has a broader offering in terms of sports teams. You might want to explore the student life websites of both universities to get a sense of which campus culture would be a better fit for you.

5. Career Services: Both universities provide career services, though the types of jobs and internships available might differ based on the institution. Consider reaching out to the career services departments at each school and asking about job placement rates and the types of organizations that recruit their graduates.

Lastly, I always recommend sitting in on a class if possible or talking to current students and alumni about their experiences.

Remember, there's no wrong choice here. Either way, you're going to embark on a fantastic, transformative experience. Good luck with your decision!

5 months ago

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