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Confused about SAT Schools

I am slightly lost on what SAT schools are and how they relate to college admissions. Can someone please explain it to me?

7 months ago

Absolutely, happy to clear this up for you. When people refer to "SAT schools," they're usually talking about colleges and universities that require or strongly consider SAT (or ACT) scores as a part of their admissions process.

The SAT is a standardized test that measures a student's proficiency in reading, writing, and math. It's largely used by colleges and universities in the United States to help determine a student's readiness for college-level work. The SAT, along with a student's high school transcript, letters of recommendation, and extracurricular activities, help colleges get a more holistic view of the applicant.

Many colleges have moved towards a "test-optional" policy which means that while students may submit SAT or ACT scores, the colleges do not require them. These policies arose due to concerns about equal access to testing facilities and prep resources, as well as the relevance of these tests to predicting college success.

However, certain colleges have returned to a test-required policy so it's vital to research each prospective college's specific policy regarding SAT or ACT scores. Schools such as Harvard, Dartmouth, and Purdue will require standardized test scores for their 2024-2025 application cycles. On the other hand, colleges like University of Pennsylvania and University of Chicago are maintaining their test-optional policy.

Bear in mind that even if a school is test-optional, strong SAT or ACT scores can still benefit your application by showcasing your academic strengths. A high SAT score can help differentiate you from other applicants, particularly if your GPA isn't as high as you'd like. Conversely, if your SAT results aren't strong, a test-optional school allows you to opt out of submitting those scores, and lean more heavily on other aspects of your application, such as your essays or extracurricular involvements.

Regarding the new format of the SAT, it became fully digital in the spring of 2024 and the structure of the digital SAT is as follows. For the Reading and Writing section, there are two 32-minute modules, to complete 54 questions, translating to roughly 71 seconds per question. For the Math section, there are two35-minute modules, to complete 44 questions, giving you approximately 96 seconds per question.

Just remember that each college and university have their own admissions processes and requirements, so it's important to research the exact requirements for each school you're interested in.

I hope this explanation clarifies what people mean when they refer to "SAT schools". Do not hesitate to ask if you've got more questions!

7 months ago

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