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Music Opportunities at Rice University?

Hi guys, I'm a rising junior thinking about applying to Rice University. I've been playing the violin for a while now and I am really interested in learning about the opportunities for non-music majors to participate in ensembles and take lessons at Rice. Does anyone have any inside scoop on this?

7 months ago

Hello there! It sounds like you have a passion for the violin that you want to continue nurturing in college, and Rice University actually offers a lot of opportunities in this area, even for non-music majors. You might be interested in participating in the Rice Campanile Orchestra, a non-auditioned orchestra made up of non-music majors. They perform at least once per semester, and repertoire covers a range of periods and styles.

In case you're interested more in chamber music, there's also the Chamber Music Program that's open to all university students, regardless of their major. Ensembles are formed based on your skill and experience levels, and you receive coaching from faculty members of the Shepherd School of Music. At the end of each semester, you get to perform in a recital. Another fantastic opportunity is the Engagement Program at the Shepherd School of Music. It's an initiative designed to promote community service through music. Student volunteers from the Shepherd School as well as across the university perform at sites such as hospitals, retirement communities, and schools in the Houston area. As a violin player, you could bring joy and comfort to many through this program.

When it comes to taking lessons, while the private lessons by faculty are mainly for music majors, you can certainly take lessons from graduate students in the Shepherd School. Some of them offer private lessons for a fee.

In summary, Rice University offers plenty of opportunities for non-music majors to continue their musical journey. Best of luck with your applications!

7 months ago

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