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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What's 'The Box' on Rice University's Application?

I've seen some mentions online about 'the box' in Rice's application, can anyone explain what that is? It sounds a bit intimidating, and I'm a bit unsure on what they want...any insight would be hugely appreciated!

5 months ago

Sure, happy to clarify! 'The Box' on Rice University's application is a unique part of their supplemental essay section. Instead of asking for another paragraph of written content, Rice provides an unbounded, empty space typically referred to as 'the box.' The university’s instructions for this part of the application are simply: "A picture is worth a thousand words. "The concept here is for you to submit a personal image that says something about you, something that complements your application and tells the admissions committee something about who you are that isn't represented elsewhere in your application.The image should be personal to you and it doesn't have to be a literal snapshot. It could be a collage of images, a piece of artwork you've created, an infographic, or any other visual format that effectively demonstrates something personal about your identity, interests, experiences, or aspirations.

Remember, the key here is to provide a visual representation of something meaningful to you. So take your time, reflect on what you want to convey, and have fun with it!

5 months ago

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