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Need help with SAT Test Taking Strategies

I'm preparing for my SAT and I realize that some sort of a strategy would help me manage the time better. Do you have any tips or strategies I could use?

5 months ago

Sure, test-taking strategies can really help in efficient time management and to reach your goal score. Keep in mind that the new digital SAT has a distinct format that you need to adapt to.

1. Understand the Structure: The SAT consists of two 32-minute modules for Reading and Writing and two 35-minute modules for Math. You need to complete 54 questions in the Reading and Writing section (about 71 seconds per question), and 44 questions in the Math section (about 96 seconds per question).

2. Practice with Realistic Conditions: Make sure to practice on the SAT's new digital format, the Bluebook™ app offers a full-length practice test to get you accustomed to the new online structure. It gives you a feel of the digital test and the stamina to sit for a little over 2 hours.

3. Reading Section: Start with skimming the passages to get a sense of the main ideas. Look for the author's argument and tone. Reliable answers often directly reflect information in the passage. With only 71 seconds per question, you don't want to overthink it.

4. Writing and Language Section: Grasping grammar rules can help you answer these questions quickly - most questions in this section are based on standard English conventions like subject-verb agreement, punctuation, and sentence structure.

5. Math Section: You have roughly a minute and a half per question here, and you can use a calculator on both sections of the math test. It's important to remember that the questions in each math module are generally ordered from easiest to hardest. It could be a good strategy to complete the easier ones first and then return to the difficult ones later.

6. Don't Skip Questions: In the digital format of SAT, you can't skip questions and come back to them later within a module. Make sure to give every question your best shot. There's no penalty for wrong answers, so you’re better off guessing if you’re not sure.

Remember, these strategies could work differently for different individuals. It's crucial to practice under timed conditions and see what works best for you. Good luck with your SAT prep!

5 months ago

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