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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is Rutgers an Ivy League School?

Hey guys, I'm a high school junior and I've been considering Rutgers for college. I've heard a mix of things, and wanted to dispel the rumors. Is Rutgers considered an Ivy League school?

5 months ago

Rutgers University is not considered an Ivy League school. The Ivy League consists of eight private universities located in the Northeastern United States, namely: Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale. These schools are known for their rigorous academics, selective admissions, and prestigious reputation.

Rutgers, while not an Ivy League, is a public research university located in New Jersey. It's one of the oldest universities in the U.S. and is a member of the Association of American Universities, a prestigious group of top research universities in North America. Rutgers offers a large selection of programs and is renowned for its diverse student body and research contributions, particularly in fields like psychology and environmental science.So, while Rutgers isn't an Ivy League institution, it still offers a high-quality education and has its own strengths that make it a compelling choice for many students.

5 months ago

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