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Stanford Summer Session Acceptance Rate?

Is it any easier to get into the Stanford Summer session than it is to get into their regular fall admission? Does anyone know the acceptance rate for their summer program?

5 months ago

The Stanford Summer Session usually has a higher acceptance rate than the regular Stanford undergraduate admissions. However, please note that being accepted into the Stanford Summer Session does not increase your chances of being accepted into the undergraduate program. They are separate entities with different admissions processes.

While Stanford does not officially release the acceptance rate for their Summer Session, it's generally recognized to be more accessible than regular fall admission due to the broader scope of students they accept, including international students, high school students, graduate students, and working professionals.Remember, the Summer Session is primarily meant as a way to enhance your learning and explore Stanford's academic environment. It's a great opportunity to challenge yourself acadically and explore subjects you're interested in. But it won't necessarily provide an "edge" in the undergraduate admissions process.

5 months ago

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