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SAT: 720 math
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What might predict one's chances of getting into Stony Brook?

Hello, has anyone here applied to Stony Brook? I'm considering it as an option and was wondering if someone could help me understand the acceptance rates and application expectations to gauge my chances of getting admitted?

5 months ago

Stony Brook University is fairly selective, with an acceptance rate of approximately 49%, depending on the year. The admissions officers are looking for students who are academically prepared as well as involved in their communities.

Firstly, in terms of academics, the middle 50% SAT scores for admitted students typically range from 1330 to 1470 out of 1600, and the middle 50% for the ACT typically range from 28 to 33 out of 36. The average high school GPA for incoming Stony Brook freshmen is typically around a 93.5 on a 100 point scale. However, it's important to remember that the strength of your academic record takes into consideration both your grades and the rigor of your course load. Universities like Stony Brook look for students who've challenged themselves with AP or IB courses, if they were available in your high school.

Secondly, extra-curricular involvement is important. Universities are interested in students who will contribute to their campus community in meaningful ways. This could be through leadership roles, commitment to a cause, participation in sports, clubs, or community service, to name few. Stony Brook, like many schools, is interested in what you've done outside of the classroom, so having a few quality Tier 1-3 extracurricular activities would strengthen your application.

Additionally, make sure to spend quality time on your application essays. They provide an opportunity for the admissions team to get to know you beyond your grades and test scores. These essays let you showcase your passions, challenges you've overcome, personal growth, or life-changing experiences.

Lastly, make sure to request strong letters of recommendation. Teachers or mentors who know you well and can speak to your abilities and personal qualities can be persuasive validators of your readiness for university studies.

While these factors do play major roles in the admissions decisions, it's also essential to note that every application is evaluated on a holistic basis, and the final admission decision can also depend on factors like the university's needs for that particular admission cycle, the strength of the entire applicant pool, etc.

Remember, there's no guaranteed formula for admission. So, doing well in these areas does not ensure admission, but it does improve your chances! Best of luck with your application.

5 months ago

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