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Kinesiology Program at SDSU

I'm seriously considering majoring in Kinesiology and SDSU's program caught my interest. Can anyone speak to the quality of their program? What can I expect in terms of coursework, opportunities for research or internships, and overall academic support structures?

5 months ago

San Diego State University (SDSU) offers a strong Kinesiology program that many students find rigorous and rewarding. Studying Kinesiology at SDSU, you can anticipate coursework covering a vast array of topics from anatomy and biomechanics to exercise physiology and health promotion.

In terms of coursework, you will start with a core curriculum that includes courses in basic science and human movement science. As you progress, you will have opportunities to focus on more specialized areas such as Athletic Training, Physical Therapy, or Exercise and Nutritional Sciences.

Regarding research opportunities, SDSU is known for its emphasis on research and the Kinesiology department is no exception. Many professors actively engage in research, which provides avenues for undergraduate students to participate in hands-on learning. I'd advise you to start building relationships with your professors early on and express your interest in research; it could open doors to internships, research assistant positions, or independent study.

Internship opportunities are also plentiful and strongly encouraged. The university has connections with local hospitals, sport organizations, rehabilitation clinics, and wellness centers, which offer invaluable practical experience. Many students find these experiences beneficial in solidifying their career goals and gaining practical insight into their chosen field.

In terms of academic support, SDSU offers numerous resources. There are academic advisors dedicated to the Kinesiology department who can provide guidance on course selection, career paths, and graduate school applications. In addition, tutoring services and study groups are widely available.

The Kinesiology program at SDSU is a challenging and robust program that prepares its students for an array of careers in the health and wellness sector. Just remember that as with any program, you will get out of it as much as you put in. So, don't hesitate to take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way. Best of luck!

5 months ago

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