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Can I study abroad if I decide to attend SUNY New Paltz?

Hey guys! Recently I've been looking deeper into SUNY New Paltz as a potential college option. I'm super excited about the idea of studying abroad too. So, I was wondering if anyone knew about the study abroad programs available at there?

5 months ago

Absolutely, SUNY New Paltz does provide opportunities for its students to study abroad. The university's Office of Study Abroad and International Programs is dedicated to connecting students with global experiences. They offer both short-term and long-term options which can last a semester or even an entire year.

Many students at SUNY New Paltz take advantage of the study abroad programs. The university offers programs in various countries including Spain, France, England, Australia, and Japan, among others. There are options to study a wide range of subjects, not just language or culture. This means you could continue studies in your major while abroad.

Application to the programs involves meeting certain eligibility requirements such as GPA minimums. It's also important to start planning early for a study abroad experience, because spots can be competitive and there are deadlines to meet.

Visiting stations like fairs and workshops that the Office of Study Abroad and International Programs provides is a good start. They can guide you through the process, eligibility requirements, deadlines and answer any specific queries you might have regarding the study abroad opportunities offered by SUNY New Paltz.

Ultimately, these opportunities not only enrich your academic experience but also contribute greatly to your personal growth, so definitely explore this amazing aspect of college when you can!

5 months ago

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