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Understanding SJSU CS Acceptance Rate

I've been cutting my list of colleges down and San Jose State University's CS program seems to stand out. I'd appreciate if someone could give me a rough idea of the acceptance rate - is it super competitive? Do they focus more on grades or extracurriculars in CS?

5 months ago

San Jose State University (SJSU) has a notable Computer Science program that tends to be competitive due to its proximity to Silicon Valley and opportunities for internships and networking with tech companies. However, the exact acceptance rate can fluctuate from year to year, and SJSU typically does not separately publish acceptance rates for individual majors.

That said, admission to SJSU and its CS program primarily focuses on academic indicators. The Cal State system, which includes SJSU, primarily considers your high school GPA and the rigor of your course schedule in its admissions decisions. More specifically, they would look at the grades you received in A-G courses (a series of high school courses that students have to complete to be eligible for California public university) during your sophomore and junior years. For out-of-state students, the minimum GPA requirement is a 3.0, but for a competitive major like CS, a much higher GPA would likely be needed to be competitive.

Furthermore, like all Cal State schools, SJSU is test-blind, meaning they do not look at SAT or ACT scores for admission.

Extracurricular activities can add depth to your application, showcasing your interests and commitments outside of academics, and perhaps illustrating your passion for computer science. While these can certainly help make you a more appealing candidate, they are less of a focus than they would be at other universities due to the academic-focused admissions process of the CSU schools.

One key strategy in increasing your acceptance odds is by applying as an "in-area" student if you live in the local admission area for SJSU. CSU campuses give priority to students who graduated or will graduate from high schools and community colleges that are in the local admission area of the CSU campus.

Remember, these are general guidelines. To gain a more accurate understanding, you could reach out directly to the admissions office at SJSU.

Good luck with your application! Your interest in CS and a goal-driven approach will certainly give you a great head-start.

5 months ago

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