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How do I request a transcript from Ohio State University?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior looking ahead at the college application process. Right now, I'm trying to figure out if I need to request my transcript from Ohio State University, where I took a dual credit course. Could anyone guide me through this process?

6 months ago

Sure! The process to request a transcript from Ohio State University is quite straightforward, but remember it does require a valid BuckID or social security number.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Go to the Ohio State University's official website.

2. Navigate to the "Transcripts" section, which you'll find under the 'Academics' tab.

3. You'll see an option to request an "official transcript". Click on this.

4. Log in using your BuckID or social security number. If you do not have these details, you may need to contact the Registrar's office.

5. Once you're logged in, follow the prompts to complete the transcript request.

6. After submission, allow a few business days for your request to process before the transcript gets sent to the desired recipient.

Keep in mind, there might be a small fee associated with requesting an official transcript. The specific amount should be listed on the transcript request page.

Remember that many colleges and universities allow you to self-report your grades initially, and you only need to send an official transcript if you're admitted and decide to attend. Be sure to check the specific application guidelines for the colleges you're applying to, as some colleges might insist on an official transcript from the start.

6 months ago

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