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Free College for Military Spouses?

I’ve heard that spouses of military personnel can go to college for free. Is there really such a thing, or is it just another rumor running wild on the internet? Where can I find accurate details?

5 months ago

The concept of free college for military spouses is based on a few specific programs.

The Department of Defense (DoD) funds the Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) program. MyCAA offers up to $4,000 in financial assistance to eligible military spouses seeking to pursue a license, certification, or Associate’s degree in a specified field of study.

Certain qualifications have to be met, though. For instance, the sponsor (servicemember) must be an active-duty pay grade E-1 to E-5, W-1 to W-2, or O-1 to O-2 (if the sponsor is National Guard and/or a Reserve component duty status, eligibility rules apply). The educational or training program must be completed within three years from the start date of the first course. Also, the financial assistance only covers tuition, and excludes books, equipment, or any other necessary supplies for the course.

Another source of support is the GI Bill transferability. If the service member has served for at least six years and agrees to serve four more, they can transfer their GI Bill benefits to their spouse. This can cover tuition fees and other education-related expenses. However, each branch of the military sets its own policy for this, so you must check with the specific branch of service.

For trustworthy information, I would recommend directly visiting the U.S. government's official site or contacting local military installations for the most accurate and current details.

5 months ago

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